31.01.2024 *
Opera: What should I wear?
Open Air
Opera at St. Margarethen Quarry
Opera at St. Margarethen Quarry offers a special open-air opera experience. Located about an hour's drive from Vienna or Bratislava, this unique natural setting is transformed into a Mecca for opera lovers every year. When it comes to the style of dress, the same applies to the Opera in the Quarry: the weather determines the outfit. Although the days are hot and oppressive, the nights can cool down, and the events sometimes take place in less favourable weather conditions. You should therefore keep an eye on the weather forecast and adapt your wardrobe accordingly. It doesn't hurt to bring sturdy shoes, warm clothing and, if necessary, rain protection, although seat covers, blankets and rain ponchos can also be purchased on site. To get in the mood for the opera and take a look behind the scenes, stage tours are organised before each performance. What also makes a visit to the open-air opera at St. Margarethen Quarry unique is the gastronomic experience. The Opera Lounge offers a culinary accompaniment to the main evening programme, the opera. Regional and international specialities as well as wines from the Esterhazy winery are also available in the Foyer Park on the opera grounds - to set the mood, but also to top off a special evening.
Große Robe und Smoking als Dresscode in der Oper wirken heute aus der Zeit gefallen, es sei denn, es steht eine Silvestervorstellung oder ein Premierenbesuch in der Staatsoper, Scala oder Met auf dem Programm. Aber was ist dann der richtige Kleidungsstil, um beim Opernabend nicht over- und nicht underdressed zu sein? Grundsätzlich gilt: Eleganz ist immer gefragt. Daher bleiben Freizeitkleidung oder Jeans im Kasten, die Opernkleidung darf durchaus bequem, sollte aber dennoch seriös sein. Und es empfiehlt sich, mit der jeweiligen Begleitung das Opernoutfit abzustimmen.
High Heels oder Ballerina? Operndresscode für die Dame
Ein Opernabend ist etwas Besonderes, schließlich bedeutet er, sich für einige Zeit in besonderem Ambiente auf Stimmung, Stimmen und vielfältige Eindrücke einzulassen. Ein bisschen eine Reise in eine andere Welt. Und auf eine Reise bereitet man sich auch ein wenig vor. Was kommt ins Täschchen, was ziehe ich an? Für Damen gilt: Operntauglich ist, was ebenso bei wichtigen Geschäftsterminen getragen werden kann. Kostüm, Hosenanzug oder eine Kombination aus Rock und Bluse, wobei der Rock zumindest Knielänge erreichen sollte. Außerdem bietet sich ein Cocktailkleid an – und mit einem kleinen Schwarzen und High Heels oder schwarzen Pumps macht man, vorausgesetzt, das Kleid hat die richtige Länge, ohnehin nichts falsch. Fehl am Platz sind schrille Kleidung, gewagte Muster und allzu tiefe Ausschnitte oder Spaghettiträger. Die Schuhe dürfen durchaus bequem sein und die Tasche sollte dem Abendprogramm angepasst sein: Ideal sind kleinere Abendtaschen, in denen jedoch genug Platz ist, um alles zu verstauen, was Frau für ihren Opernabend braucht.
Letztendlich gilt es noch, sich dem Styling zuzuwenden. Hier heißt es wie bei der Kleidung: dezent und seriös statt grell und auffällig. Die Frisur wird nicht zu steil toupiert, schließlich möchte die oder der dahinter Sitzende auch etwas sehen, ebenso sollte das Parfüm nicht den gesamten Besucherraum betören. Es geht um den Musikgenuss und nicht darum, sein Umfeld einzunebeln. Die Quintessenz bei der Wahl des Kleidungsstils für die Oper lautet also: Wer elegant und dezent auftritt, macht auf jeden Fall keinen Fehler.
High heels or ballerina shoes? Opera dress code for ladies
An evening at the opera is a special occasion. After all, you're spending time in a special atmosphere, listening to voices, and taking in a variety of impressions - a bit like travelling to another world. You should also prepare as though for a little journey: What should I have in my bag, what should I wear? For ladies, the following applies: anything that can be worn for important business appointments is suitable for the opera. Ensemble, trouser suit or a combination of skirt and blouse, whereby the skirt should be at least knee-length. A cocktail dress is also a good choice - and you can't go wrong with a little black dress and high heels or black pumps, provided the dress is the right length. It's not a good idea to wear flashy clothes, daring patterns and excessively low necklines or spaghetti straps. Shoes should be comfortable, and the bag should be appropriate for the evening programme: smaller evening bags are ideal, but with enough room to store everything a woman needs for her evening at the opera.
Finally, the styling. Here, as with the clothes, it's all about being discreet and respectable rather than bright and flashy. The hairstyle should not be too high - lest you block the view of the person seated behind you - and the perfume should not overpower the entire auditorium. Enjoy the music and don't fog up your surroundings. So, the bottom line when choosing a dress style for the opera is this: if you are elegant and discreet, you can't go wrong.
Tie or no tie? Dress style for men
Admittedly, men have it easier than women. A dark suit and a white shirt are definitely the right choice. However, to give the outfit a special touch, a shirt with cufflinks can be worn for this special occasion, complemented by the appropriate tie. Ties with flashy patterns or figures should remain at home, and the gentleman should also exercise restraint and wear the tie in black or with a subtle pattern. This is no longer de rigeur, however: these days a shirt worn with elegant trousers and a plain-coloured jacket is just as much in fashion. The latter can be left out, especially in summer, but please note: short-sleeved shirts are a no-go on the social stage. The same applies to footwear as for the ladies: It doesn't have to be a patent leather shoe - comfort is more important. Whether a sneaker or a Budapest, please give your shoes a polish before going out, because well-cared-for shoes are part of good style.
In any case, ladies and gentlemen should coordinate their outfits. If he chooses a dark-coloured suit, an elegant dress will go nicely with it. On the other hand, it will look out of place if he leaves his jacket at home and only wears trousers and a shirt. In this case, the lady should choose a knee-length skirt and combine it with a blouse and cardigan if necessary.
Opera in the open air
Should I dress elegantly or practically?
Most opera houses take a break in summer - but that doesn't mean that fans of musical theatre must miss out on enjoying culture. Summer is the peak season for open-air opera, and that means unique experiences in the open air and in nature. With wind, weather, swallows circling above the stage and the fascinating play of light, no two evenings are the same. And so open-air arenas such as the St. Margarethen Quarry in Burgenland inspire directors, set designers and artists to create very special productions.

Apart from the premieres, these opera performances are usually more casual in terms of audience and dress than in the big houses - the dress code is determined by the weather rather than the programme. So, it never hurts to check the weather forecast. But that doesn't detract from the appeal of the events - quite the opposite. The clothing is more casual and freer, because at open-air operas it is important to be 'fit for the open air'. Instead of high heels, flat, easy-care, and preferably weatherproof shoes are the better option here, because unlike with opera houses, there are often a few more metres to cover from the car park to the seat.
As events often last until midnight, trousers are often the better choice for ladies too. The handbag can be larger so that there is room for compartments and other useful items. Umbrellas are not permitted at open-air events, which is why regular guests always bring their own poncho. Many organisers also offer these for sale on site. You can also recognise summer opera professionals by the fact that they usually carry bags with seat cushions and even blankets, as it can get quite chilly in the evening in the open air. That's why lightweight down or Primaloft jackets are a good choice. They are easy to fold up and provide warmth if the worst comes to the worst, so that nothing stands in the way of an unspoilt open-air opera experience.